Drug Possession / Trafficking
Have you been charged with a drug offense in South Carolina? You may have been charged with possession, trafficking, distribution, or possession with intent to distribute. The drugs involved may have been marijuana, cocaine/crack, ice, crank, ecstasy, meth, or illegally obtained narcotic prescription drugs. You know that your arrest is a very serious matter. You are urged to take action now by contacting The Chandler Law Firm. If you retain our services, we will vigilantly defend your constitutional rights and explore every avenue leading to a fair defense for you before judges or juries.
In addition to legal defenses, we will look at factual defenses that may affect the outcome of your case. Is there enough proof to make the case against you? Do you have a good alibi that should be considered? The Chandler Law Firm is skilled at discovering and using legal and factual defenses to seek dismissal of your case. We often negotiate probation, reduced sentencing, or other plea bargains that will offer you a chance to return to a normal life after your drug arrest. Even a small amount of drugs is a serious offense with substantial penalties. You will need an experienced drug crime attorney who knows the system and will protect your rights throughout arrest, trial and appeals.
The Chandler Law Firms familiarity with the court system as well as a vast knowledge of criminal law means we know which strategies are most likely to succeed. Clients who accept reasonable deals offered by the prosecutor often walk away with good outcomes.

A Message to College Students:
A drug conviction on or off campus can result not only in fines and possible jail time but also sanctions by the University up to and including loss of scholarships and expulsion. A criminal record could also hurt your job opportunities. The Chandler Law Firm has not only helped students to address the criminal aspect of a drug arrest but has also helped them to appear before school disciplinary bodies to defend student rights and appeal any negative decisions.
Parents across the country seeking South Carolina legal representation for their children after a drug charge are urged to contact The Chandler Law Firm.